Sunday 26 December 2010

Merry Christmas

Think this is the first year Ive realised just how much we need Christmas . Ive always loved it! But this year ive really felt the love, really needed the togetherness that its brought. I mean yeah sure its stressful in parts but its a manageable stress a almost contented stress, Ive done it enough years now that I feel the last few years ive had the December craziness wrapped up! This year more than any other year I truly appreciate the holiday period, being able to shut down from the every day worries and stress and just enjoy living in the moment, Enjoying being with the people I care about. These last few days have been a real Joy, Started off Friday Christmas eve, with a unexpected Visit from Mona, and then a visit from Fred while the children were out with my mum and Dev. Christmas day was just perfect, spent with my favourite people eating my favourite foods ( I had chocolate cake for breakfast ~ I love my kids) the giving and receiving was more perfect that I could have hoped for & boxing day with my mum, Dev and mona, just enjoying the moment …. Tomorrow is expected to hold another beautiful day as we spend more fun times having what's certainly turned into a well looked forward Game Day”

Friday 10 December 2010

Cheryls Birthday

With Cheryls birthday fast approaching the kids and I put together a mini music movie of, to help us feel close and keep her memories alive, I know she will remain in our hearts for ever, but they are so young still I want to help them keep those personal memories they have in side them alive in anyway I can ...