Thursday 21 October 2010

How To Be Alone

This is one of the most creative and beautiful messages i've come across, I first watched it some time back, but was made aware of it again today when it was posted to a blog ive been reading for a while .. I figured I was as well post it up here on mine too ...~ I dont feel alone today, ive not for a while, but when I do, & . when I did, because sometimes I have feelt so very alone,  There is a difference and I believe a person needs to have experienced both to be able to identify the two, I have and being alone really isnt the same as being lonley  .. playing this was the OK that reminded me its fine to be by myself as its easy to fall into the way of thinking that "something is wrong with you if your on your own. TO just let your mind be free without the need to be busy doing something ... 

Being Alone
Without Being Lonely

by Susan Kramer 

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Thinking Dreams.

Any time we see what we want, rather
than blindly accepting what is - we are dreaming
andrea schroeder

So the question was ~things that you would like to have in your life. try to include dreams relating to:

Relationships ~ to always have a sold relationship with my children, always. To be more in tune to my friends, so I distance doesn't mean im failing to pick up on those much needed moments, to believe that I could meet that some one I could live my happily ever after with, that guy is out there some place. 

Health ~ to be happy with my diet, to eat more colours, to eat what my body is needing, to live protect myself the best I can through food to give myself the longest possible time on earth.

Career~ I'd like to earn money.

Home~ Short term  to just straighten out the house, to make our home more easier to live in, Its a small home for such a big family … but Its could be cosy than it is. .. To take more time to live in the moment. To feel happy with a sink full of dirty dishes .. OK so I doubt that'll ever happen :)

Finances ~ They need straightening out!

Lifestyle, I want to be free to be me, to not be influenced by what others believe and want. I want to be strong enough to be who I want to be, to understand my wants and needs, to grow and have the patience to see the projects I start through to the end,
and anything else that comes to mind.  To be able to play an instrument, to be able to come home, kick of my shoes light my candles and chill with the music and my children, to move away from the wonders of the web. To live spontaneously for exapmle to be able to pack up a case and go away at the weekend. To let go of that F.e.e.l.i.n.g. That holds me back from doing the thoughts that often flow through my head. 
To live so that words dont hold me back, to be able to knock down and talk through the communication barrier, to know that a conversation will be hard but to speak it anyway to feel able to believe that through talking things will be resolved, Just not speaking doesn't solve anything, so to be able to be strong enough to hold a conversation together even if the other person is loosing control.

Any time we see what we want, rather
than blindly accepting what is - we are dreaming


Monday 18 October 2010

Catching up .... The ticking clock

Things have been so surreal, I feel like im only just starting to come back down to living in the now, most of my waking thoughts for a long time have been with Cheryl ~ and now im coming across those missed unnoticed moments. I try so hard not to take things personally as I know the people around me, my friends and close family wouldn't do anything purposely to hurt me, but some times its so hard not to to take things to heart .. Ive always been a thinker and some times I just cant understand someone actions. I naturally just do what needs to be done to help make lifer easier for myself and for others, If I can do something that I think will help I do .. Ive had to be careful over the years as I know with the children “doing” can often hold them back. Its not easy to admit that feeling of not feeling able to do something, everyone has their own lives, children and families, time is so limited, the feeling is just overwhelming sometimes …
The days have been difficult, comforted by the closeness of being together with family, were starting to face forward.
Tracey ~ comes to stay for a few days ~ a  Silent reminder of how closeness helps heal pain