Sunday 3 April 2011

Mothers Day 2011

Just because its mothers day, It doesn't mean that the kids will be any different to any other day, in fact It means they are more hyped up and excited, and excited children tend to get silly and carried away with everything they do & Just because its mothers day doesn't mean I have to stand for rude stroppy children either ... but It is Mothers day and today just like every other day I ride the rough with the smooth and savour the precious moments and forgive the ones i' rather forget. I love my 4 growing chidren more than life it's self, They are my life everything I do is because of them .. I was woken this morning, hearing lots of noise coming from the kitech and two of the girls argued about it being too early to wake me, The vacuum was being put around the floors and lots of giggled and oud muttering could be heard from the stairs. On Mothers day its becoming tradition for me to stay in bed until officially woken and this awakening came just after 8ish .. 3 bouncing chilren and one sleepy one came into my room singing "Happy Mothers day to you" Where upon I was given a large cup of tea and some lovely presents, including, a bookmark made from Cayleb, A bath scrub made from Charday and Sam, a puzzle made from Charday, Sammy had given me some words ( peace) Crystal had brought me a candle, I also received a lovely bottle of wine and the very nice glass you can see in the pic above and a world best mummy plate, and some smellies for the bath, Some very lovely cards! Spoilt rotten I would say ..  We took a visit to my mums house and then we hit the beach for a picnic before we took a long stroll home via the woods ..  The afternoon was spent lazing in front of the tv. Having just had my 2nd bath of the day and poured my self a lovely glass of wine, im now off to relax back in front of the telly.
Im grateful everyday for what I have, but today on mothering sunday I appreciate more than ever just how lucky I am to have 4 healthy children and my mum, to have been able to visit my mum and spend the day with my children .,..  Not every mother or daugher is so lucky ...


  1. It sounds like you had a truly lovely day! Happy belated Mothering Sunday! :)

  2. What a beautiful way for your adorable kids to celebrate "mum" :)
    I am always amused by the differences between countries! I love hearing about Mother's Day in April instead of in May when we celebrate here :)

    Hey, by the way, you stopped by my blog; I wanted to reply to your comments, but your email settings need to be changed. Go here to get a step by step! :)

  3. Thanks, Hopfuly Ive fixed it!
